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normal testosterone levels for men

Normal Testosterone Levels For Men: Do You Know Your Numbers?

Testosterone is the main sex hormone for men, and the “normal range” varies depending on how old you are. If you are dealing with erectile dysfunction, low libido, or are having fertility issues, here’s a question for you: Do you know your numbers? Keep reading to find out the importance of understanding normal testosterone levels for men and why you should get your hormone levels checked; plus, how an imbalance can impact your health and what to do if you start to notice symptoms of low T. 

What are normal testosterone levels for men?

testosterone hormone bloodworkMale testosterone levels are at their highest during adolescence and early adult years and will start to naturally decline as young as 30 years old. Testosterone levels are measured by nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), and The American Urological Association’s Testosterone Deficiency Guidelines indicate that anything below 300 ng/DL is considered low; however, the normal range is unique to the individual and may be lower or higher depending on age, medical history, etc. We do not agree with standard ranges of testosterone with conventional medicine. We like to see men with testosterone levels of 700-1200. This number is age and situation-dependent, but we do not wait for your body to be completely shut down to recommend therapy.

Why should you get your hormone levels checked? 

Hormone testing and bloodwork may seem like a hassle, but this is a crucial step in determining exactly what your testosterone levels are versus what they should be. Checking your testosterone levels and speaking with your doctor about underlying causes and reasons for low testosterone can help ensure you get the best possible treatment for the most effective results. Our functional medicine doctors make it easy for you to get the answers you need. These tests are completed via a simple blood analysis, and during your appointment, we will go over your results in detail before discussing treatment options and the next steps regarding a personalized care plan. 

What are the treatment options for low T? 

is testosterone therapy worth itTestosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is one of the most effective ways to boost your testosterone levels and see improvement in your sex drive and performance. Is testosterone therapy worth it? We have helped many men restore their libido and improve erectile dysfunction with TRT! Testosterone for men comes in a variety of delivery methods including pellets, injections, creams, and troches (under-the-tongue dissolvable tablets); plus we can customize the dose, so your treatment plan will include exactly what your body needs for maximum effectiveness. But the benefits of TRT aren’t just related to your sexual health– it can also help your focus and mental clarity, give you more energy, assist in weight management, support heart health, and so much more! 

TRT for Men in Atlanta GA

We are happy to speak with you about normal testosterone levels for men and dig into what could be contributing to your low T symptoms. Our bioidentical form of testosterone replacement therapy is made from plant-derived hormones, a fantastic natural alternative to traditional synthetic TRT! Book a consultation with us today about hormone replacement for men!

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